Sunday, September 24, 2017

Father of Ralph Trangia set to surrender — police

 The father of Ralph Trangia, one of the suspects in the death of law student Horacio "Atio" Castillo, is expected to surrender to authorities on Sunday or Monday morning.

According to a report by radio dzBB's Mao dela Cruz, Antonio Trangia will also turn over the vehicle which was supposedly used to bring Castillo's body to Chinese General Hospital last week.

In a press briefing, Manila Police District director Chief Superintendent Joel Coronel said Ralph's parents could also face charges following the incident.

"And of course the father of Trangia, for being part of the conspiracy to obstruct justice and to cover up the case and the mother... because it can be shown that the mother of Trangia has assisted in the escape of her son," Coronel said.

Ralph, together with his mother, was seen on security cameras at an immigration counter in Terminal 1 of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport during the wee hours of September 19. They boarded a flight for Chicago, Illinois.

No look-out bulletin had been issued yet against Trangia at the time.

Meanwhile, Coronel said there are six more suspects they are looking at, including officers of Aegis Juris, the fraternity supposedly involved in Castillo's death.

"Most of the suspects are hiding with the assistance and aid of other, mostly frat members... Locating them at this moment is difficult," Coronel said.

"We have Solano but we are going to include the officers, at the very least, of the fraternity...  so another six more will be included in the charges," he added.

Based on the information they have obtained, Coronel also said, there were also Aegis Juris alumni present during the initiation rites.

Coronel said some names have been added to their list of persons of interest. He did not identify them, however.

Castillo died after attending Aegis Juris' "welcoming rites" on Saturday night.

Authorities confirmed that he died from injuries sustained during hazing.

The victim's family learned about the incident when his mother Carminia Castillo received an anonymous text message saying that her son had been brought to the Chinese General Hospital.

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