Friday, September 29, 2017

Virgin Mary statue 'started crying and moved her hands' after Mexican earthquake that left 343 dead

Mexican villagers claim their statue of the Virgin Mary has started crying and has moved her hands since the deadly earthquake struck the country.

Hundreds of believers have flocked to the village of Cupilco in the southern Mexican state of Tabasco after reports of the weeping statue.

Local politician Candelaria Perez Jimenez said: 'I do believe that the Virgin has done many miracles, I came not for curiosity, but for faith, because I do believe that God and our most holy Mother has done many miracles.

Mexican villagers claim their statue of the Virgin Mary (left before the earthquake) has started crying (right after the quake) and has moved her hands since the deadly earthquake struck the country

'Undoubtedly the Virgin hurts a lot with what has happened in Mexico: earthquakes, hurricanes, child deaths, God is calling us to make us aware.'

Local woman Lucia Torres Jimenez, 68, expressed her belief in the Virgin, stating that she returned to health from the power of the virgin, having spent 19 years with a kidney transplant.

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