Thursday, October 5, 2017

73% of Pinoys worried they, someone they know will fall victim to EJKs —SWS

 Seventy-three percent of Filipinos are worried that they or someone they know will fall victim to extrajudicial killings, results of the latest Social Weather Station survey showed.

This developed as 90 percent of the 1,200 respondents in the same nationwide survey conducted from June 23 to June 26 said that it was important that drug suspects are captured alive in the Duterte administration's war on drugs.

The margin or error was pplus of minus three percentage points.

The percentage of Filipinos who are worried that they or someone they know will become victims of extrajudicial killings is the same as the 73 percent who indicated the same in March 2017.

However, more were "very worried" —37 percent in March and 41 in June.

The percentage of Filipinos who are so worried in December 2016 was higher at 78 percent.

As regards the percentage of Filipinos who believe it is important for a drug suspect to be captured alive, the figure in June was a bit lower from the March survey results that showed 92 percent believe so.

In September and December 2016 surveys, the rating was both 94 percent.