Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Liga head: ‘No abuse of power’ despite delay of polls

THE head of the Association of Barangay
Captains (ABC) in Negros Occidental assured the public that there will
be no abuse of power as the village officials will remain in their posts
 anew with the postponement of the village elections.

Board Member Annabelle Bermudo, president of ABC-Negros Occidental, said
 Wednesday, October 4, the association adheres to providing the services
 needed by their constituents.

Bermudo said remaining in their positions in a hold-over capacity would
also enable village officials to finish the programs and projects still
in progress, including the campaign against illegal drugs and other
priorities of the administration.

“We will continue to work for the best interest of the people,” she
said, adding that although they are excited to file their certificates
of candidacy (COC) today, “the postponement is still a welcome

In Bacolod City, Councilor Noli Villarosa, president of Liga ng mga
Barangay, said Wednesday they are thankful that President Rodrigo
Duterte finally signed into law the bill postponing the village and
Youth Council elections to 2018.

“We are in favor that the President Duterte postpones the elections,”
Villarosa said. “We are happy and thankful that it has been postponed so
 that we can save our money.”

Villarosa said the President signed the law a day before the scheduled
filing of COCs and most of his colleagues and friends have already spent
 big amounts for the October elections.

He added that he will continue to serve his constituents in Tangub

On Monday, President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law a measure
postponing the elections scheduled on October 23.

Under Republic Act 10952, subsequent synchronized village and Youth
Council elections were moved to the second Monday of May 2018 and will
be conducted every three years thereafter.

The newly-signed law said incumbent village executives shall remain in
office until their successors shall have been duly elected or unless
they have been removed or suspended.

The Congress has approved a bill seeking to also move the village and
youth council elections following Duterte's persistent claims that drug
syndicates would take advantage on the possible resumption of the twin